Amanda Archive


Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

When you’ve been identified as having high blood pressure (the systolic pressure — leading amount — of 140 or even above or perhaps a diastolic force — the base amount — of 90 or maybe over), you may be concerned about getting …

Vitamin K Benefits

To understand Vitamin K benefits, you should know that there are three main forms of Vitamin K – K1, K2, and K3. The first two are from natural sources and the third, Vitamin K3, is a synthetic only version of Vitamin K …

The Benefits of Garlic & Garlic Remedies

For any of the Garlic remedies listed on this page, you can use fresh organic Garlic or a quality supplement. Aged Garlic supplements are popular because they have the benefits of Garlic without the strong smell and taste. Either method will give …

Wheat Grass Benefits & Remedies

Buying Guide & Tips Wheat Grass benefits can either be experienced by keeping a tray of fresh Wheat Grass in your house that you cut and juice with a special juicer, or by buying specially dried or frozen Wheat Grass from a …

Vitamin E Benefits

Buying Guide & Tips Vitamin E benefits are best through natural and organic foods. If supplementation is necessary, just make sure that the supplements you take are a natural form of Vitamin E,not synthetic. The reason for this is because natural Vitamin …
Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment

Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment

The medicinal properties of salicylate (mainly for fever relief; it is the main ingredient in aspirin) have been known since ancient times. The substance occurs in the bark of willow trees; the name salicylic acid is derived from salix, the Latin name …


Natural Remedies such as herbal and homemade remedies can be beneficial in the treatment of Shoulder Pain as well as for your overall health and wellbeing. NATURAL REMEDIES FOR SHOULDER PAIN As people begin to realize natural remedies are healthier, alternative medicine …