How To Make Your Eyebrows Grow Faster

9. Fenugreek Seeds

Soak fenugreek seeds in water and leave it overnight. Next morning, grind them in a mixer to make a fine smooth paste. Apply this onto your eyebrows and leave it for 20 minutes. Or store it in refrigerator and apply before going to sleep. Wash off with water. If you want, you can even add some almond oil into it for best results.

10.Rosemary, Lime & Sesame

To stimulate your eyebrow’s growth, consider making a mixture by using 1-teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 4-teaspoon sesame oil and ½-teaspoon rosemary. Use this to massage your eyebrows using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry completely. Since it 100% natural and safe, you can use this remedy two times a day. Wash off with water and apply a good moisturizer after that.

11. Egg Yolk

Yet another great tip on how to make your eyebrows grow faster is to use “egg yolk”. Sine your eyebrow hairs are made of keratin proteins, egg yolk (because it is enriched with proteins) can greatly help in growing it back rapidly. Moreover, it helps its overall health. Just follow the below listed instructions

  1. Break a egg & separate its yolk from white part
  2. Next, beat the egg yolk until it becomes thick or there is a creamy consistency
  3. Now, apply this mixture on both the eyebrows using cotton
  4. Leave this for 20 minutes
  5. Wash it off with water

Repeating this twice a week can help you give great results.

12. The Ultimate Treat

You might find hundreds of beauty products in the market, which guarantees rapid growth but why to pay such a hefty price on them when you can make one at home? Here’s an easy tonic to make use for making your eyebrow hairs grow faster. Take a jar or bottle that has a lid. Combine the below listed ingredients

  • Tea tree oil – 1 teaspoon
  • Coconut oil – 4 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

Shake the bottle or jar well. Apply onto your eyebrows using cotton. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

13. Coconut Oil

This natural ingredient is greatly admired to enhance hair growth. It boosts its overall health. In fact, it is known to speed up the growing process. Just take few drops of it and massage your eyebrows before going to sleep. Leave it overnight and wash off next morning. Soon, you will have thick eyebrows.

14. Use An Eyebrow Serum

An eyebrow serum is proven to exhibit great results. It stimulates your hair follicles, thereby leaving healthy and thick looking eyebrows. Usually, a serum that is designed for eyebrows will contain peptides, which is claimed to be a core ingredient. It helps eyebrow hair breakage. Moreover, it conditions and strengthens the eyebrow hairs as well.

15. Olive Oil

Apart from coconut oil, even olive oil is also known to make your eyebrows grow faster. Olive oil is a great source of vitamin-E, which is exactly why it works. It also helps your brows to be dark-hued. Follow the below listed instructions.

  • Massage your brows with olive oil (warmed) for 5-7 minutes prior bedtime. Leave it overnight and rinse off with water next morning.
  • You can even prepare a mix by combining ½-teaspoon olive oil with some honey. Apply this onto your eyebrows & massage gently. Leave for 20 minutes & wash off with lukewarm water.

16. Lemon

Avoid try this remedy if you happen to have a sensitive skin. Lemons are greatly helpful in enhancing your gorgeousness by making your brows grow broader. Since lemons are rich in vitamin-B, vitamin-C, folic acid & other vital nutrients, they make your eyebrow hairs grow much faster than any other ingredient. Let me tell you that it is normal for your skin to burn a little when applying lemons, however, if the irritation persists, skip this and use some other remedy.

  • Rub a piece of lemon onto your eyebrows. Allow it to be there for 20 minutes & then wash off with warm water.
  • You can even put the lemon peels into ¼-cup pure coconut oil. Let the mixture sit for 15 days at least. Once ready, you can apply this onto your brows using cotton every night prior going to sleep. Wash off next morning.

Note: Do not expose your brows to sunlight for two hours after applying this remedy, as it can lighten its natural color.

Vital Tips To Note

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Do not over-pluck or wax your eyebrows
  • Avoid doing that picture-perfect threading
  • Do not apply makeup or lotion on your eyebrows because it weakens them
  • Have an eyebrow done in a way that suits your face
  • If you thin eyebrows naturally, avoid shaping them
  • Occasionally, use an eyebrow pencil
  • Massage it regularly with an essential oil
  • Indulge in exfoliation
  • Do not give too much pressure on your eyebrows while massaging
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid stress
  • Have a good sleep
  • Use petroleum jelly on your brows 2 to 3 times every day for rapid growth
  • Do not scratch or rub your eyebrows often

I hope these tips have been helpful to you. If you try any of these tips or have already tried few and has worked for you, please share with us in the comments section. We would love to hear from you.

Comments (9)
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  • Lily

    I have used Milk and Vaseline I am 12 years old and I’m scared to tell my family I’ve over plucked I’m going on holiday next month and they need to grow really quick text me some facts on how to grow really fast
    Thank you X

  • FBG

    Hi,I am 12 years old and I need my eyebrows to grow fast

  • Ciera

    Hi I’m 11 and i shaved my eyebrow on accident because i was shaving my unbrow but accidentally shaved the front of my left eyebrow and i need them to grow quickly before my mom notice. Plz

  • Ayanna

    I shave it last nightand I need to grow fast before morning..

  • heather

    i fell over and grazed my eye and my hairs on my brow fell out what can i do

  • bianka Williams

    Hi I am 15 and I want my eyebrow to grow back before next week comes what can I do?

  • Anonymous

    I’m 12 and i have thin eyebrows. I want them to grow before my 13th birthday but i only have 2 weeks, what can i do?

  • Emma

    Does milk work

  • Echo

    i picked my eyebrows out and they are growing back slowly and i dont want to be bullied over it anymore my mom says i look pretty but really i look like i came out of a dump and i should prob go back into that dump and hang myself