Write to us

  • Word count

    No minimums but posts typically run between 800-2000 words. Please stay under 2000 words.

  • Tone

    Inclusive, accessible, and generally positive. Take a look around and see what we’ve previously posted.

  • Original Content

    We ask that posts submitted be unique and original to FunkyMillions .We do not accept posts that have already been published or submitted elsewhere online (not even on your personal blog) or that you plan to distribute to other websites.

  • We are not interested in SEO-driven submissions that are not in line with our philosophy

    If you work for a content farm or are a freelancer who writes articles for the sole purpose of linking up keywords in an effort to boost SEO, we are not interested. If your submission or bio references or promotes a business or service that is not in line with our philosophy (e.g. a weight-loss gimmick), then we are not interested.

  • Acceptance

    Since we do not compensate contributors for posts, we’re more than happy to include a byline and your brief bio containing links to your website, Facebook, Twitter accounts, which we will promote when your post goes live. Please keep your bio to just 2-3 sentences. FunkyMillions is a great resource to promote what you’re doing and some of our contributors have leveraged their posts into book deals and other awesome wellness-focused gigs and career.

  • Please send your post in the body of the message of an email.

    (That means, if you’re using Word, for example, you’d paste the Word document into your email.) Send articles to articles [at] funkymillions.com

  • Once your posts go live, please share with your friends

    via email, your website, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media. The more people who view your post, the better is it for you and the better it is for FunkyMillions . If your post performs extremely well and become a regular contributor (one post a week), you can earn a spot as a highly-coveted “Wellness Expert” on our homepage.

  • We love connecting with new contributors

    While we cover an insane amount of ground, FunkyMillions consists of just a few people. As such, sometimes we don’t have the opportunity to respond to all submissions. We can assure you, however, that we carefully read every single submission that we receive. If your post has been accepted, we generally respond within 14 days.

  • By submitting to FunkyMillions you acknowledge that you

    Accept our Terms, and any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the FunkyMillions editorial team.