11 Steps for healing a burnt tongue

Burnt tongue is a problem which is caused due to accidental biting of tongue with teeth. Eating any hot food or drinking any hot drink could also result in burnt tongue. This is very painful and swelling could also result. There are many steps which can be used for healing burnt tongue. You can try many ways through which burnt tongue will be healed and pain and swelling will also be removed. There are home based remedies for burnt tongue which can be tried at any time. If you are not getting relief through home based remedies then consult a doctor to make sure that you are not suffering with some other medical problem.

healing a burnt tongue

How to heal a burnt tongue

If you are looking for ways about how to heal a burnt tongue then you can use a cooling effect for the process. Cold in the form of ice cubes or ice cream is helpful for dealing with problems of burnt tongue. You can use any cold drink in order to deal with burnt tongue. Cooling effects will reduce the swelling and pain and you will increase the speed of healing naturally. Make sure to not use the ice cubes in dry form. Make the ice cubes wet before applying on the burnt tongue. If you are using the dry ice cubes then they will stick on the affected areas and result in pain and the problems will be increased.


How to heal a burnt tongue fast

If you are looking about how to heal a burnt tongue fast then you can use yogurt. Let yogurt stay on the affected areas of your tongue for some seconds. Yogurt will provide coolness and healing to burnt tongue and you will get relief from pain. Cold milk is also able to deal with problems of burnt tongue. Let the milk stay in your mouth on the affected areas of your tongue and you will get relief.


Sugar to deal with burnt tongue

If you are suffering with problems of burnt tongue then you can get immediate relief by using sugar. Just take some sugar and spread it on the burnt tongue. This will give immediate relief and pain will also eliminate. You can try this home remedy at any time as sugar is easily available in homes.

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Honey for elimination of burnt tongue

Burnt tongue could be eliminated by using honey. Natural abilities of honey are helpful in healing and providing a soothing effect on the affected areas of tongue. You can let the honey stay on the affected areas of burnt tongue so that the healing process start and give relief. Some moments of stay of honey are enough to get relief before swallowing. Make sure that you are not giving honey to kids under twelve months as it can be harmful for them and could result in death.


Vitamin E oil for healing burnt tongue

Burnt tongue could be healed naturally by using vitamin E oil. This will give natural items to the tissues of tongue which will increase the speed of healing and also eliminate pain and swelling. You can spread this oil on the burnt tongue so that the healing process could start and give relief.


Breathing through mouth

In case of burnt tongue you must use your mouth for breathing. This will give cold air on the affected parts of the tongue and give benefits. If you are suffering with burnt tongue then start breathing with the help of your mouth so that the cold air could give relief and eliminate pain. This is a simple method which can be tried at any time and instant relief from pain could be obtained in case of burnt tongue.


Control eating habits

If you are suffering from burnt tongue then you must make some changes in your eating habits. Avoid the use of spicy and salty foods so that the healing of burnt tongue could complete soon. If you are using salty and spicy foods then the problems of burnt tongue will increase. Till healing of the burnt tongue you must eat simple foods so that the problem could be eliminated.

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Aloe Vera for burnt tongue

Aloe Vera is helpful for dealing with problems of burnt tongue. You can apply Aloe Vera directly on the burnt tongue by using the plant. This will help in healing and eliminate swelling. Taste of Aloe Vera will not be good but its healing powers are helpful for dealing with problems of burnt tongue at any time.


Medical items for burnt tongue

Burnt tongue could be healed by using medical items. There are cough drops which can help in healing and eliminate pain. You can also try mouth wash which will reduce pain and increase the speed of healing process for burnt tongue. You can get these items easily from any medical store and start the process of healing burnt tongue. Many medicines are also available through which pain can be eliminated for burnt tongue. When you are using creams in your mouth then make sure that these are safe for ingestion. Avoid using such creams which are for other burns and not for ingestion.


Chewing gum with menthol

You can deal with problems of burnt tongue with the help of chewing gum containing menthol. You can use such chewing gum at any time and get instant relief from pain and have soothing effects. This will also give cooling effects to burnt tongue and the healing process will gain more speed.


Consult a doctor

Most cases of burnt tongue are eliminated in one week. If you have tried home remedies but your burnt tongue is not eliminated then there could be a serious problem which can be handled through a doctor. You must go to the doctor so that you can get a fast and instant relief method with complete checking of your tongue. In some cases there are feelings of burnt tongue but the physical conditions are normal. Such cases could lead to many serious problems and could be handled with doctors.

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