Amanda Archive

healing a burnt tongue

11 Steps for healing a burnt tongue

Burnt tongue is a problem which is caused due to accidental biting of tongue with teeth. Eating any hot food or drinking any hot drink could also result in burnt tongue. This is very painful and swelling could also result. There are …

Top Beauty Trends for 2020

Natural makeup is something that has always been admired. But this year there is a twist on the whole raw look. These new trends are simple yet very chic and feminine. Read on for some tips on how you can achieve the …

Free Fashions Tips for Busy Women

Finding a quick fashion fix can be tough especially if you’re short on time. If you have a busy lifestyle then wardrobe may be the last thing on your mind but don’t worry. Here are a few fashion tips for women that …
How To Make Your Eyebrows Grow Faster

How To Make Your Eyebrows Grow Faster

Unmade eyebrows hide a woman’s ideal features whereas a perfectly done eyebrows highlight your face and personality. Depending on one’s facial structure, some prefer having their eyebrows broad while others would want it thin. Though keeping it thick or thin is completely …
How to Get Rid of Face Fat

How to Get Rid of Face Fat

Even people who do not examine themselves to be in shape can endure from face fats. A fuller face is usually a side effect of temporary bloating or it may be an area influence of different weight obtains during the body. There …
How to shape your eyebrows at home

How to Shape Your Eyebrows at Home

Easy steps to shape eyebrows with razor without plucking Eyebrows are like the frame of the face because they are considered to be the half of our beauty. They may be of different types like straight, arched, thick or thin. God gave everybody …