How to Gain Weight Fast

If you’re here, you are very likely one of those women who would do anything to add some muscles to their bones and start looking fit. You could and should consider yourself one of the lucky ones, as pretty much everyone around you is probably focusing on doing quite the opposite: losing weight. Obesity has become a worldwide spread health issue that is threatening to become even more serious if we don’t do something about it, and if the right organizations don’t find some viable long-terms solutions. But this does not make for the topic of this article – we are here to tell you which are the main secrets or, better yet, tips on how to gain healthy weight for women.

How to Gain Weight Fast

how to gain weight fast


I know you are looking to see results fast, and you are not interested in using your energy all for nothing. You are also highly likely not wanting to look like a hockey player either, so you need to understand that there is a fine line between gaining weight when it comes to women and gaining weight when it comes to men. There is a fast and easy way to achieve your burning goals, and it has a lot to do with this guide on smart weight gain for women, but, for now, I am going to tell you more about my own secrets.

Most folks actually claim that men have much more solutions to gain weight, as they can focus on working all of their muscles – the image of a man with some massive biceps and a great back is not disturbing for anyone, is it? But it sure is, if we were to replace the man with a lady, right? So you definitely don’t want to go to any bodybuilding contests and you also don’t want to look chubby either. So I am going to go ahead and tell you some dirty little secrets all women looking to learn how to gain healthy weight should definitely know.

Secret #1: Stay determined.

If you are planning on falling into the trap of millions of women who say they want thing and then go ahead and do completely the opposite of the actions they should in fact be doing in order to achieve their goals, you are definitely not making any progress. You need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror, determined which are your main problematic areas, think of the way you would like for those areas to look like (firmer thighs, firmer legs, killing abs, you know the drill) and say all of your wishes out loud.

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You can also grab a piece of paper and a pen and write some cool notes you can stick to your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator’s door, your nightstand and pretty much anywhere you think you will glance at them regularly. By saying, writing and visualizing your goals on a constant basis, your brain is definitely going to help you out enormously. Learning strategies on how to gain healthy weight for women is all about building a strong plan and setting your mind to work towards it.

Secret #2: Opting for a personal coach can prove to be a great idea.

If you are planning on doing all the hard work at the gym on your own, you might be on your way of accumulating some serious muscle mass in areas you would never want to gain muscle mass in, such as your back or your inner thighs. What you need to do is focus on finding either some excellent workout tips to follow strictly and which you can blindly trust they are not going to give you bulky muscles.You are going to have to focus on some simple and fast-paced types of routines that are going to be directed towards replacing your fatty areas with the lean muscles you are dying to get.

A personal trainer that knows how to do an awesome job with women is definitely going to be able to let you in on all the secrets you need to know: which are the right days for you to work out, which are the perfect exercises that can define your arms, shoulders and mid-section or chest just the way you want to, which fibers you need to isolate and work hard on so that your swimming suit can look uber hot on your next summer and plenty more.If you are not sure you can actually afford a personal trainer who can teach all of these, or if you feel you would rather take matters into your own hands, you can always check out Flavia Del Monte’s excellent guide “Get A Flawless Female Figure” and start becoming your own efficient trainer. As long as you know what sort of workout you are going to have to focus on, you should be truly fine without any additional help.

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Secret #3: Eat a healthy balanced diet!

You are going to pay a great deal of attention to the foods you are going to ingest. No more cookies, no more junk food – I think that’s common sense, right? But that certainly doesn’t mean you are going to be restricted to eating leafs and grass all day long. There are still plenty of whole delicious foods that you can enjoy on a daily basis, and the great news is that you are going to be able to benefit from a better health also, should you follow some simple rules. Carbohydrates, protein, veggies and fats are all going to represent an important part of your diet, but you need to find out which are the best foods you need to choose and the right amounts also.

Focus on whole grains, beans, avocado, fresh orange juice, fresh fruits, veggies, lean meat, low-fat milk and yogurt.

Learning how to gain healthy weight for women is a desideratum you might be having for a really long time, and accomplishing it is not as easy as you first thought it would be. But should you pay close attention to the information you can find in the women’s healthy weight gain section, I can assure you that you’ll be one step closer to the truth faster that you can say “I am hot!”.

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