Teeth Whitening Home Remedies. 9 Ways for Perfect smile

Many people are looking to increase the whitening of their teeth. Yellow teeth are not good and also causing problems for oral health. If you are having problems of yellow teeth then you can use different ways for whitening of your teeth. There are many methods which are helpful for teeth whitening and can be used at any time.

Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Mixture with tooth paste

You can make a mixture by using your tooth paste at home so that your teeth could become whiter. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide could be take in one tea spoon and mixed with your tooth paste. Take water in half tea spoon and mix it as well. This mixture is helpful for elimination of yellowish shades from teeth and increases the whitening. When you are using this mixture once a week then you will be able to get results. When your teeth are white enough then you can reduce the use of this treatment and apply it after one month. This is a simple treatment which is helpful for increasing whitening of your teeth in a short time period.

Using peel of banana and oranges

Teeth whitening could be obtained by using peels of bananas and oranges. Inside of peels of bananas and oranges have natural items which are helpful for increasing the whitening of teeth. Important items like potassium and magnesium are present inside the peels of bananas and oranges which are helpful in increasing the whitening of teeth. You can rub the peels on your teeth one time daily. If you are willing to increase the speed of whitening of your teeth then you can rub the peels of bananas and oranges on your teeth two times daily. This is a simple home remedy which can be used at any time. You will get instant results by using this treatment. Make sure to use inside of peels of bananas and oranges and to rub on teeth gently.

Strawberry and baking soda

Teeth whitening could be obtained by using strawberry and baking soda. You can make your tooth paste by mixing a strawberry with baking soda. Mash a strawberry and mix baking soda in it. Make a paste and use it for increasing the whitening of your teeth. This tooth paste could be used for getting white colors for teeth naturally. You can use this tooth paste once per month for getting desired results. If you want to increase the speed of getting whitening for your teeth then you can increase the use on a regular basis. Make sure to limit the use per month as this process will work fast and give instant results when you are using this tooth paste.

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Hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening home remedies safe

You can use hydrogen peroxide so that your teeth could become whiter and shining. Use some amount on your tooth paste before brushing and get instant results in the form of whiter teeth. You can also rub hydrogen peroxide on your teeth with the help of cotton. Use balls of cotton and pour some amount of hydrogen peroxide on them. Then rub these cotton balls on your teeth before brushing. You can use this process regularly so that your teeth could become whiter and shining.

Olive oil for teeth whitening home remedies

You can use olive oil for whitening of your teeth. This treatment is simple and can be done at home by using a cotton ball and applying some olive oil on it. Then rub the teeth with this cotton ball for some minutes. As a result you are able to get good and shining teeth. You must brush after applying olive oil on your teeth and continue this process till your desired levels of whitening are achieved.

Lemon and salt mixture

You can use mixture of lemon and salt in order to eliminate yellow color and increase teeth whitening naturally. You can add some drops of lemon juice in some amount of salt. This will help you to make a paste. You can apply this paste on your teeth. Use this paste regularly on your teeth and gums for some days and you will see results. Yellow color will be eliminated and your teeth will become white and shining. Natural properties in lemon are helpful for dealing with harmful items which are resulting yellow teeth. Gargling by using lemon juice and salt in water is also helpful for elimination of yellow color in teeth.

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Mixture of salt

Salt is helpful to eliminate many problems of teeth and increase the whitening. You can make mixture of salt with charcoal and apply it on your teeth in the form of paste. This paste will eliminate yellow colors and increase whitening for your teeth. You can make a paste of salt with water and apply it on your teeth for increasing whitening. You can mix some salt with baking soda and make a paste. This paste is helpful for increasing whitening of your teeth. Care is important in use of salt as rough use is harmful. When you are using mixture of salt carefully then you can see results in the form of healthy and whitening teeth in some days.

Crunchy apples for teeth whitening home remedies

You can use crunchy apples in order to eliminate yellow color from your teeth and increase whitening. Regular use of apple in food is helpful for getting whiter teeth. Acids are present in apples which can help in elimination of problems from teeth and increase their white colors. You must chew the crunchy apples completely in your mouth and let them stay for some time before swallowing. This will give more time to the acids in apple to stay and fight with the problems in your mouth. Regular eating of apple in foods is helpful for getting whiter teeth which are also healthy and shining.

Holy basil for teeth whitening home remedies safe

You can use leaves of holy basil at home for increasing the whitening of your teeth. Take some leaves of holy basil and dry them in sunlight. Make a powder of dry leaves and mix with your tooth paste. Use it regularly for increasing whitening of your teeth. Mixture of mustard oil and powdered leaves of holy basil is also helpful for increasing whitening. These methods will also help in fighting with different problems of teeth and increasing the whitening of teeth.

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